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forum vélo

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[10855 posts] - Le 12/11/2010 15:41

Bonjour ,
j'aimerais votre aide pour pouvoir lancer mon forum de vélo
merci de vous inscrire et de poster sur mon forum .
Encore merci !

[10855 posts] - Le 23/06/2012 13:41

The St. Petersburg Oecumenical Budgetary Forum purpose from time to time again equip a lone platform to make a first-hand acumen and book in discussions and debates on issues affecting the worldwide frugality, in specific the increasing position that emerging money-making powers are playing in shaping regional and international agendas.

SPIEF 2012 resolve also be of specific interest to international business, domination, and media leaders who are upset with Russian public and budgetary affairs, with the Forum coming soon after the newly elected Presidential regulation takes office. SPIEF 2012 desire supply a one of a kind opportunity to meet with the arriving regime as the mountains takes steps to fortify its emendation agenda in the post-election period.

[10855 posts] - Le 23/06/2012 23:06

Istanbul (CNN) -- A Turkish military jet was sniper down alongside Syrian artillery Friday after the aircraft entered Syrian airspace, Syria's shape television said.

The navies of both countries were cooperating in a search looking for the missing pilots, a Syrian military spokesman added.

An unidentified aircraft entered Syrian airspace shortly previous noon Friday at a exact common altitude and elaborate go hell for leather, and anti-aircraft artillery shot it down a kilometer from estate, the spokesman said.

While afire, the jet level into the surfeit 10 kilometers, or more than six miles, from the shore of the town of Um Al-Tuyoor, the spokesman said.

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